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The Book Dragon's Tale

Image by Rhett Wesley

Welcome to Fantasy Book Dragons! Our website is a hub for fantasy authors and readers to connect and find resources. We provide a platform for authors to list their books on our database, request beta readers, participate in Free Fantasy Book Days, and more. Readers can find free books, discover new fantasy reads in our database, read reviews, and become members ARC teams. Our community is dedicated to supporting and promoting the fantasy genre. Join us today and be a part of the adventure!

Who is the HDIC (Head Dragon in Charge) and what's the deal?


Hewwo! I'm Mara Valderran, and the picture above is definitely not me. I'm a fantasy author, reviewer, and book dragon. I love books. So much that I pay for a storage unit because I can't fit all my books and my kids into my apartment. And it's just not ethical to make my kids live in the storage unit. (KIDDING - Please don't call child services on me)


I love reading books, writing books, collecting books, and marketing books, so I decided to roll all those loves into one aptly named site. I hope for this site to be a resource for fantasy lovers of all walks and genres. 

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