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Stuff Your Kindle with Fantasy!

What is Stuff Your Kindle Day?

Also sometimes referred to as ZoeBub, Stuff Your Kindle is a free promotion run every quarter for romance books and coordinated by romance author Zoe York. It isn't limited to Kindles, though. There are plenty of books across all retailers to stuff your e-readers with!

Stuff Your Kindle with Fantasy is the response to the call for other genres to coordinate their own Stuff Your Kindle/E-reader Days. Twice a year on this site, you will be able to find a list of free fantasy books available for one day! January 1, 2024 was the first SYK with Fantasy Day hosted by this site, and I am completely blown away by the response. To all the authors who submitted your books and spread the word, thank you! To all the readers and Bookstagrammers and BookTokkers who posted about the event - thank you! The support you've leant these authors and each other is overwhelming. This is what the indie author and the book communities are about!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Where can I find Stuff Your Kindle Day for other genres?

Looking for witchy reads? Check out Witchy Bookworm's Book Blast page! Not a fan of the romance or fantasy genres? Sign up for the Cozy Mystery Book Club's newsletter for more news on their Stuff Your Kindle Days!

How do I search by my device or preferred retailer?

With the current setup, we don't have a search by device feature, but you can find links to the major retailers with each book description.

How do I download the free books?

Click on the links and then click the "buy now for free" type link. Be sure to check the price before downloading. If you are downloading the books through Amazon, you have to purchase them through the browser and not the app, and also make sure you aren't accidentally clicking the "Read for Free" option for Kindle Unlimited. 

It's Stuff Your Kindle with Fantasy Day, but some of the titles aren't available for free. 

Our authors try to make their books free, but life and glitches happen, so we can't guarantee every book will end up for free. Check back the next day to see if the issue has been resolved. 

Is this only for the United States?

No! Our next promotion will include international links as well for easier downloading outside the US.

How do readers stay up to date on all the Fantasy Book Dragon promotions and sales?

If you're a book dragon and looking to increase your hoard of books, you can sign up for the reader newsletter here! 

How do authors stay up to date on all the Fantasy Book Dragon promotions and sales?

If you're a fantasy author who wants to take part in one of our promotions, you can sign up for the author newsletter here!

When will the next promotion be?

The next Stuff Your Kindle with Fantasy Day hosted by Fantasy Book Dragons is tentatively scheduled for June. Stay tuned for more information!

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