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If world building is a beast, then marketing is the mother of all beasts. Or possibly the beast's layer in the seventh circle of hell, depending on who you ask...


Marketing can be really tough with all the articles and tools out there, especially since what works for one genre might not work for others. These are some great resources to help you along your marketing way and get your books in front of more readers.


You published a book... now what?

Facebook Ads

Kindlepreneur - Facebook Ads For Authors: A Complete Guide For 2023


Reedsy Learning - Facebook Ads for Authors Free Course


Self Publishing Formula - Mark Dawson's Ads for Authors Course


Managing Social Media

Social media can be a great marketing tool you can essentially use for free, but it's vital that you have an understanding of the platform you're using and the key elements to building a following. Here are some resources to get you started on your path. 


Kindlepreneur - The Ultimate Guide to Social Media for Writers 2023


B0okbub - How Successful Authors Use Social Media: 29 Content Ideas


TCK Publishing - 9 Best Social Media Management Tools for Writers, Bloggers, and Businesses


Amazon Ads

Amazon Ads for Authors - Amazon Guide


Kindlepreneur - Amazon Ads For Authors: A Step-By-Step Blueprint


Reedsy Learning - Amazon Ads for Authors: Magic Bullet or Waste of Time?


Self Publishing Formula - Mark Dawson's Ads for Authors Course


Book Tour Companies

I recently asked the question "Are blog tours still a thing?" when I stepped back into publishing after years away, and found the answer is not only yes, but also that they have evolved to be social media tours. There are quite a lot of tour companies out there, but I'm listing the ones I have experience with or that come highly recommended. Prices vary depending on the tour company and the tour type. 


Rockstar Book Tours & Publicity


XPresso Book Tours


Lola's Blog Tours


Bewitching Book Tours


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